Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Close up of an object

This is a photo of a feather that I made look interesting. The feather is white and looks very pretty and detailed.

Birds eye view

This is the birds eye view photo I took of Emily. She is working on her project so I stood above her and shot the photo.

Leading lines

This is my leading lines photo. The lockers create an image of continuous lines going from the back to the front of the photo.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Positive\ Negative drawing

This money is what I sketched using pencil for my drawing. The baby monkey is hidden and I drew leaves all around them.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Popsickle stick tower

This is a tower that I made out of 100 popsickle sticks. I cut them into pieces then hot glued them together. I then spray painted the tower in silver.